DEBUG node in flow when toggle Activation will also trigger DEPLOY why?

I think my topic says it all: DEBUG node (already deployed) in a flow when toggle Activation will also trigger DEPLOY why?
To be honest I am a NOOB, just started with NodeRed and the DEBUG node is my best friend.
So it confuses me a tiny bit why toggle activation of DEBUG does this.
Is there a reason for it? Sure it is only a tiny problem/observation?

System details:

Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.8.0-51-generic x86_64)
Nodered: v4.0.8 (Docker)
@meshtastic/node-red-contrib-meshtastic: 2.2.18-1

Maybe a little bit lost in translation, but if I read it right you are asking why does the deploy button light up (as if requiring a deploy) when toggling the debug node?

There was a recent conversation around this (will try to find link) but in short, the property that indicates the button is pressed (or not) is stored in the flow file. Therefore, when you toggle the button, you are modifying the flow (locally) so a deploy is required to store the flow modification.

Here you go

Ok, think this is the same kind of conversation but I just notice that toggle DEBUG does what I want without the need to DEPLOY, but it confuses me because DEPLOYS lights up, but probably this is in the same order of moving things around in the flow; you still need to DEPLOY this in order to have this last view available the next time. Thanks for your reply.

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