Developing UI chart from an array

Note that you have provided several days worth of data and the chart is very narrow. The x axis grid lines are showing timestamps for once a day but because the chart is so narrow it has not even showing one grid line for each day. Apart from that everything is working as it should. Make the chart much wider and all will become clear. I believe you can format the x axis legends to include the date if that is what you want.
Arguably there is an issue with the chart node as you have configured it for 24 hours so when you provide three days worth of data perhaps it should only show the last 24 hours.

Ahhh! Very good, that worked great!

I've changed the format to custom and listed "DD/MM HH:mm"

Is there any way to put DD/MM and HH:mm on two different lines in the chart for the X-axis?

sorry - not that I know of.