Sorry. I think I'm taking some things for granted here. Let me back up. I'm not referring to anything in node red. I'm referring to rules entered into the tasmota console interface. And I'm not looking for feedback. I'm just sharing my experiences with my little project with getting tasmota to communicate energy monitoring events into node red.
Incidentally, I've been chatting with the tasmota developers on their discord channel and have learned that the delay exists because their interface was not designed for real-time energy monitoring. So, my overall design of detecting a device being turned on or off via its dumb switch (turning it essentially into a semi-smart, reporting-only, switch), because it is plugged into my sonoff s31 15A. It also, is subject to this delay regardless of which method I use (either setting a threshold in a rule or setting a PowerDelta MQTT event - I tried both).
When I have time, I plan to fork tasmota to see if I can create a setting to treat energy monitoring as a real-time, responsive feature, with minimal lag.
However, my experiences so far with the Switcheroo have been really good - much better than the Quirky Switchflip. There's more involved with my little project, but suffice it to say that the thing plugged into the sonoff is the switchflip receiver. It is the thing that I want to detect wattage changes in. The Switchflip is really sensitive/buggy. It randomly turns itself off and back on, unless it's within 1' from the transmitter, which is why I decided to try an energy monitoring smart plug. That way, I can have the transmitter and receiver right next to one another, and then control other devices when the energy usage changes.
The Switcheroo however, so far seems to not have the failings of the switchflip, so I may not bother messing with tasmota and just buy 2 more pairs of Switcheroos. The only downside is I can't loop in real smart outlets via node red.
I know I haven't explained this very well, so I apologize. I often have trouble being succinct. If this doesn't make sense, and you're curious/interested, google those two devices (switcheroo and switchflip). That might clarify things. And I know that there are other ways to accomplish the end goal here via a smart switch, but personally, I don't like smart switches - and I'm really just doing this for fun anyway.