Dim Homematic device with node-red

Hi everyone,

I am currently installing a homeassistant. I connected several services in the homeassistant and all devices work fine in the homeassistant. I can switch and dim them in homeassistant.

Now I try to access the functionalities with node-red. I already managed to switch the devices on and off, by using a "home assistant action" node. The action I chose was "homeassistant.turn_on" and selected the device.

But at the moment I have no clue how I would dim it.

Does anybody know how to achieve that?

Hi, you might not be aware of this but the Node-RED core team do not develop nodes for HA nor do we use HA so if you dont get a helpful reply here, you might consider asking on the HA forum. Just wanted to point that out in case you are held back waiting for a reply here (it'll probably be because most folk here dont use HA).

Hi Steve,
thanks for the hint.
I'll crosspost in the HA forum aswell!

Out of interest, did you consider doing it all in node red, and if so why you decided against that?

Hi @Colin,
yes, concidered that more than once. Unfortunatelly most of the integrations for node-red do not come with a handy node to control their respective devices. It has already gotten better but I am still missing a good integration for homematic. In my opinion the best solution is an integration like phillips hue. Select the host and receive a list of all devieces directly in node-red. Afterwards you can choose from the options of THIS device. Awesome.

Homematic however just offeres a node where you can send a command to the homematic hub. You need to find out the adress of the device on your own, research for the options and the datatype how you can edit the values. Iobroker helps alot in that departement because you can review all devices and review all the endpoints, including data.
So my current method that works nice is, using the iobroker node, to access all the devices. That works fine, because I can select all the devices there.

I came here, because I was expecting to find the same "iobroker" node for HA aswell.

However, to aswear your question: I am using native nodes as often as possible. I think thats the way a smarthome should work. Dashboard however is much nicer from the HA, so I'd like to use that one and control routines in node-red with that dashboard.

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