Does anyone know a contrib-node that tracks Daylight Savings Dates?


I have to do some time/date manipulation and want to make it more robust. DST dates do not change often but it does happen.

Does anyone know of a contrib node that can be used to pass a trigger to and it will give out a YES/No type response as to whether DST is in effect - and is kept current with DST changes as they happen ?


Actually just realised i already have one -

My only concern is there is nothing in there about keeping updated with DST changes as they occur - i assume he references some external site - but will pose the question


The DST information comes from the OS. It is not a node red issue. It is up to the user to keep his OS up to date.

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I use the sun-position nodes, they seem very reliable.

I use the actual sun position though rather than relying on GMT/DST. I use it to control the house lighting.

this one gives all information for a specific location as well :wink: .. in case you need the data elements

Thanks Guys,

For context - our Power Company in Australia works off what they call NEM time - which is essentially AEDT but does not change for DST.

Therefore i need two paths in my code when parsing the times to account for whether we are in DST or not and then applying the appropriate offset.

I think the ones i am using will work OK - i essentially have an Initialisations page for all my flows - and have put it in there to check 10s after startup and then every minute during the day - it then sets a Global Variable for other routines to refer to DST: True/False.

Thanks for the pointers.


Thats a nice call on the Curl call thanks - its amazing what free stuff is out there !


Of course, anything that can be done using CURL can be done using a Node-RED request node as well. :slight_smile:

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