I am developing a side bar which suggest nodes for the user to proceed flow development. To improve the user experience, I am thinking to add node drag and drop capability(not exactly drag and drop) to the side bar. Once user select one node (node name) click a button that node should be displayed in the development area of current flow.
As I assume, node-red is keeping the description of the current flow (which is not yet updated in the flow description which is exposed in/flows API endpoint) in some in-memory location until the deployment. Is there anyway to update this kind of in-memory object (if exist any API) to add a node to the current flow development area. Appreciate your insights how to do this.
we haven't published any apis at this low level within the editor. The follow code is how you'd do it today. I don't see why any of this would change in the future - but something to watch.
// Get the Flow JSON you want to import
// - this is for you to generate however you choose
var nodeDefinition = [{"id":RED.nodes.id(),"type":"function","z":"538e49f9.1c9f18","name":"","func":"\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":170,"y":240,"wires":[[]]}]
// Import it
var importResult = RED.nodes.import(nodeDefinition);
// importResult is an array of arrays:
// [new_nodes,new_links,new_workspaces,new_subflows,missingWorkspace]
// If you're only importing nodes, then importResult[0] is the array
// you care about.
// Next, add an event to the history stack so it can be undone.
RED.history.push({t:"add",nodes:[importResult[0].map(function(n) { return n.id})],dirty: RED.nodes.dirty()});
// Mark the workspace as dirty
// Trigger a full redraw of the canvas so the new node appears