Hi everyone,
I want to know if there is a way to define a variable with a dynamic part in the name.
For example, I can define a flow context variable with a dynamic name, like this:
Or I can define a global context variable with a dynamic name, like this:
Is it possible to do something like this but for a node context variable?
I'm trying to find the best way to deal with concurrency of requests with a HTTP In node, and one idea is to use something that allow me to have different variable names every time that a flow run.
Anyone with the same problem that can share ideas about how to circumvent this?
const httpMonitorLookupObject = node.get('httpMonitor') || {}
const propLookup = msg._msgid_ + '_whatever;
const propVal = httpMonitorLookupObject[propLookup]
// setting a value
httpMonitorLookupObject[propLookup = {}
// storing it all as a single object
node.set('httpMonitor', httpMonitorLookupObject)
const httpMonitorLookupObject = context.get('httpMonitor') || {}
const propLookup = msg._msgid_ + '_whatever';
const propVal = httpMonitorLookupObject[propLookup]
// setting a value
httpMonitorLookupObject[propLookup] = {}
// storing it all as a single object
context.set('httpMonitor', httpMonitorLookupObject)
Even with this idea, I cannot find the way to push the different msg.payload messages that are being generated from every node of the workflow to the specific/corresponding httpMonitorLookupObject[propLookup] key, maybe because I'm not a good Javascript coder,
Is there a simpler/better way to try to manage concurrency with a flow that run every time that receive an HTTP In, an that events can be received many of them in a few seconds?
The HTTP IN node will include the clients IP address
// Get Client States
let clients = context.get("clientState")
/* we do this to shift our reference to the context */
clients = context.get("clientState")
// Get State for client (Based on their IP), or create a fresh state for the client if not yet known
const clientState = clients[msg.req.ip] || {}
// Set a property
clientState.someProperty = "Hello, World"
// Get a property
const someProp = clientState.someProperty
// Store it (just in-case this is a new client)
clients[msg.req.ip] = clientState
// Remove a clients state if needed
delete clients[msg.req.ip]
You can then pass on the clientState downstream
msg.state = RED.util.cloneMessage(clientState) /* <-- important, to stop it being modified during transit */
return msg
Thanks @marcus-j-davies for your reply.
The problem in my use case is that the clientIP is going to be always the same, a FluentBit collector that is sending DNS log events by an HTTP Output to be enriched by the NodeRED workflow that I created.