Emoncms node installed but not showing on nodes menu

I have some knowledge but not an expert. I followed the installation for emoncms per node-red-node-emoncms (node) - Node-RED . When I go to " /usr/src/node-red/node_modules" I see the directory "node-red-node-emoncms" which contains other files. However, when I launch my node-red I get all previous nodes (and can see my running project) but the emoncms node is not displayed on the nodes menu.

The instructions state:

Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red

/usr/src/node-red/node_modules is the directory for the node-red application itself, you should not be looking/touching anything there.

Make it easier for yourself, in the node-red gui > hamburger menu > manage palette > install tab > search emoncms > install

Geee, and I kept reading for hours, it was this easy... Thank you !!

Hi @LuisB,
Is there somewhere an explanation of the emoncms node? From the readme page it is not clear to me what can be achieved by the combination of Node-RED and emoncms...