Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR, error in your SQL syntax

I don't know what is happening, I've tried everything, the code is simple and it gives me the error: "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'humidity_AF' at line 1"

I have two topics, temperature_AF works, but when i try to send the data from the topic of humidity_AF it doesn't work.

var humedad = msg.payload;

msg.payload = "INSERT INTO `humedad`(`Humedad`) VALUES (" + humedad + ")";

return msg;

The QUERY needs to be in msg topic not payload.

you got it correct for termpertura!

Always read the built-in help for the node (help is in the side bar on the right)

Thanks, im stupid

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No worries, it happens.

If it fixes your issue, please mark the post as soved.


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