Error, sslv3 alert handshake failure

[{"id":"6ca632f0.c8c47c","type":"function","z":"9c19368d.2a3d28","name":"apic login","func":"msg.payload = {\"username\": \"*****\", \"password\": \"#####!\"};\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":223,"y":185,"wires":[["b1693121.10ff5"]]},{"id":"4dae2701.6f89d8","type":"debug","z":"9c19368d.2a3d28","name":"Output","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":true,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","x":637,"y":191,"wires":[]},{"id":"b1693121.10ff5","type":"http request","z":"9c19368d.2a3d28","name":"Ticket","method":"POST","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"","tls":"","proxy":"","authType":"basic","x":422,"y":189,"wires":[["4dae2701.6f89d8"]]},{"id":"f3032dd0.ee309","type":"inject","z":"9c19368d.2a3d28","name":"timestamp","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"10","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":110.5,"y":74,"wires":[["6ca632f0.c8c47c"]]}]

That gives me a validation failure (as expected), not the SSL error.

Are you running behind an HTTP proxy of any sort?

I have hidden the login credentials hence you get validation error. And can you tell me that which JS version is currently being used in node red.

Absolutely not

Which ever version of node.js you installed.

Node-RED logs the version on startup

Do you see the validation error with hidden credentials, or do you get the SSL error?

Yes I do see the validation error when i hide credentials.

But i'm using node-red from IBM blue mix and it is not required to get JS installed in my system.

Are you able to put together a flow that shows the problem that does not need the credentials?

That does not mean that you cannot tell us which version of nodejs it uses. Look at the node red startup log.

I hereby given a flow for GET method which doesn't require any credentials but the Access token may get expire at anytime.

[{"id":"b2127f29.e8e8b","type":"inject","z":"52faf02a.9ab0d","name":"timestamp","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"10","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":130,"y":380,"wires":[["b084e0a7.a8c1a"]]},{"id":"f256dd76.f64a9","type":"debug","z":"52faf02a.9ab0d","name":"Output","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":true,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","x":760,"y":380,"wires":[]},{"id":"b084e0a7.a8c1a","type":"function","z":"52faf02a.9ab0d","name":"get device","func":"msg.headers = {\"content-type\":\"application/json\",\"X-AUTH-TOKEN\":\"ST-2814-YAgYAkcKdrmbibTjRwB6-cas\"}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":360,"y":380,"wires":[["72b8e87b.e3a578"]]},{"id":"72b8e87b.e3a578","type":"http request","z":"52faf02a.9ab0d","name":"network device","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"","tls":"","proxy":"","authType":"basic","x":570,"y":380,"wires":[["f256dd76.f64a9"]]}]

It would be really helpful if you provide your official email or any other mode of communication to get instant reply!

You do realise that we are all just users of Node-RED. You sent this at 5am in the UK.

As @ukmoose said I do not have an official email and even if you sent a private message you would certainly not get an immediate reply at that time in the morning.

message: "ticket 'ST-2814-YAgYAkcKdrmbibTjRwB6-cas' not recognized"

I find it odd that you get the SSL failure when the ticket is good, but get this message when it is stale. I would have expected the SSL failure to show on initial connection to the server, not after it has connected and is interpreting the data. I presume that you do now get the not recognised message.
Perhaps someone with more knowledge of SSL may be able to offer a suggestion.

It would be really helpful if you paid for support so that you got responses to your SLA.