Error trying to start NodeRed - Help me!!!

Hello, I try to start my node red with the commands

pm2 start noderedlocal
or openflow-nodered-cli --start noderedlocal.

However, I get the following error:
Class extends value # is not a constructor or null

I've tried reinstalling nodeJS, reinstalling nodeRed and nothing has worked.

Does anyone know how to solve it?

Hi, we have no idea what noderedlocal is. The usual command is just node-red. Maybe some more context information would help us to give you clue ?

I have never heard of openiap so I can't help on that side at all, but the Error - ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT usually means that you are sending two (or more) responses back to some http request when you should only send one. No idea if you/your app is doing that or the openiap.

As regards your initial error - that seems likely to be coming from however Node-RED has been wrapped up to become noderedlocal. Again we have no idea about what that is.