# node-red command gives a error

when i do enter the command node-red - i got a error at the end.
but i can access it over gui and add Node and it seems to work.
So how to remove the error?

# node-red
23 Jul 20:12:04 - [info]

Willkommen bei Node-RED!

23 Jul 20:12:04 - [info] Node-RED Version: v1.3.5
23 Jul 20:12:04 - [info] Node.js  Version: v12.22.2
23 Jul 20:12:04 - [info] Linux 4.19.0-17-amd64 x64 LE
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Paletten-Nodes werden geladen
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Einstellungsdatei: /root/.node-red/settings.js
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Kontextspeicher: default [module=memory]
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Benutzerverzeichnis: /root/.node-red
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [warn] Projekte deaktiviert: editorTheme.projects.enabled=false
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Flow-Datei: /root/.node-red/flows_iot20-vm810-nodered.json
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [info] Neue 'flow'-Datei wird erstellt
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [warn]
Die Datei mit den Flow-Berechtigungen wird mit einem vom System
generierten Schlüssel verschlüsselt.
Wenn der vom System generierte Schlüssel aus irgendeinem Grund
verloren geht, kann die Datei mit den Berechtigungen nicht
wiederhergestellt werden. Sie muss dann gelöscht und die
Berechtigungen müssen erneut eingestellt werden.
Es sollte ein eigener Schlüssel mit Hilfe der Option
'credentialSecret' in der Einstellungsdatei vorgegeben werden.
Node-RED wird dann die Datei mit den Flow-Berechtigungen
bei der nächsten Übernahme (deploy) einer Änderung erneut
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [error] Überwachen (listen) von nicht möglich
23 Jul 20:12:05 - [error] FEHLER: Port wird verwendet

Node red is already running. Probably under user context or a service. You appear to be trying to launch another instance as root.

You shouldn't really run node-red as root unless it is for a specific reason and the is no other solution.

What OS is this running on? Ubuntu? Raspian ?

Hello @Steve-Mcl
thank you for the fast feedback

i new installed it on a VM with debian 10
and followed this tutorial

The official install on a Debian based OS is the installer script

the script did not run

and on the system

#ps -aux
nodered    328  0.1  6.6 873320 136020 ?       SNsl Jul22   2:15 node-red

and it works so far - just confused about the error

If you followed that tutorial, towards the end you started it as a system service. That means the system started it up. Then you tried to manually start it and it is telling you that it is already running.

If you want to manually start it, you need to remove it from the startup. Is you issue a node-red-stop then a node-red-start I believe it will show you the command to remove it from the startup. (Not at my computer so I can’t confirm that)

Sounds like you already have it running as a background service.
to stop the service use the command:

sudo systemctl stop node-red.service

and then you can start a new instance of it without it with:


Just to be clear, that command will not restart NR on a system reboot. For that you need:

sudo systemctl start node-red.service

I think you meant enable not start to tell it to start on boot.

Oops @colin is correct (that’s what happens when I try to answer questions on my phone)

The systemctl command uses enable/disable.

You really should look at the official documentation: Running Node-RED locally : Node-RED

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