Hello again.
I am not wanting to be the squeaky wheel and am not posting to get attention.
As many of you know I am kind of out of my depth with JavaScript but am playing with NR a fair bit.
Originally I didn't bother with the CATCH node, as I didn't fully understand what it did and/or how it worked.
When an error happened, I would see the error message and usually I would be able to find the node by clicking on the node name in the list to the right of the screen - the debug list.
That would take me to the flow and the node. Or close enough that if I hovered the mouse over the error message and I looked at the screen, I would see a node get the dotted red line around it.
As I have 7 remote machines that became tyre-some and not always "practical".
I dug and improved my knowledge of the CATCH node.
So what I did on every flow was put the CATCH node - code here to simplify:
[{"id":"26b3f31b.50592c","type":"catch","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"","scope":null,"x":100,"y":920,"wires":[["1e133465.cafdfc"]]},{"id":"1e133465.cafdfc","type":"function","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"Name flow","func":"msg.topic = \"Local Readings flow\";\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":260,"y":920,"wires":[["ee53c140.405fe"]]},{"id":"3d5c3740.987da","type":"link in","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"ERROR RX","links":["1c6673bc.57897c","d8c75897.7610b","7e15b07e.eb6dd","6b0e8cc6.3f834c","fa5f1a1d.fe183","deb8cf5e.c79808","5d18e796.f6a298","90075991.04c27","118ad88b.ef1077","560ff4f0.8e9664","83436254.42b62","e963463e.8cf3b8","6bce9b2f.0d9fb4","8b2f6257.d125b8"],"x":275,"y":970,"wires":[["ee53c140.405fe","405e47a7.7964c"]]},{"id":"ee53c140.405fe","type":"change","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"error","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":470,"y":920,"wires":[["c54da91.56dae58"]]},{"id":"c54da91.56dae58","type":"function","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"Set topic","func":"var device_name =global.get('myDeviceName');\nmsg.topic =\"ERROR_REPORT/\" + device_name + \"/\" + msg.topic;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":670,"y":920,"wires":[["b9382cba.6b5748","ace59945.3ca778"]]},{"id":"b9382cba.6b5748","type":"mqtt out","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"ERROR_REPORT","topic":"","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"964d7beb.f4f8b","x":850,"y":920,"wires":[]},{"id":"ace59945.3ca778","type":"debug","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"Local Readings error message","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","x":890,"y":970,"wires":[]},{"id":"405e47a7.7964c","type":"debug","z":"e2bd5a4e.5597e8","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":480,"y":1030,"wires":[]},{"id":"964d7beb.f4f8b","type":"mqtt-broker","z":"","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"","usetls":false,"compatmode":true,"keepalive":"20","cleansession":true,"birthTopic":"SOM","birthQos":"2","birthPayload":"'Awaiting Music Pi'","willTopic":"EOM","willQos":"2","willPayload":"'MusicPi telemetry failure'"}]
And a smaller version on each of the flows that send back basically what the first two nodes to on that flow (via the link) to that main flow.
Ok, it has problems in there - somewhere (probably) - but the idea is there.
I thought this would be good, as then, on ONE machine: if I get any errors, it would tell me the machine and the flow.
Yes it does, but then it all falls apart for me.
WHICH node? I know there is a NODE-ID in there. But to make it human readable?
So what I did was remove all the CATCH nodes and hope to go back to seeing errors, hovering over the message and the node is circled by a red line.
That no-longer seems to be happening. AND, say I am looking at the flow which made the error, if I click on the node-id the screen jumps (scrolls) to...... anywhere at random. Even a completely blank screen. (Eg: If the flow is in the top left of the work area, I am looking at the bottom right.)
This is annoying and frustrating.
Has anyone else seen this?
I am open to ideas of how to deal with errors so there is ONE machine which gets the error reports and exclusively has them in a separate list for me to look at but to date it eludes me how to do this.
Thanks in advance.