Escape key to cancel out of edit node dialog

Hi there, when working with old or 3rd party flows, I usually open each node have a look and click cancel.
Pressing escape to cancel out would be much quicker and more use friendly.



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Yes, that is one of the things I like least about the Editor to be honest. Escape is so baked into most applications that it is very much in muscle memory.

Interestingly Esc works to get out of the Import dialog.
Just as well that it does too because when you import a flow from the forum, "Error: Not a valid JSON array" [sometimes] covers up the Cancel button.

If you check the keyboard shortcuts settings you'll find that the default keyboard shortcut for cancelling the edit dialog is set to Ctrl-Escape (or Cmd-Escape on Mac). We used to close on Escape, but we got complaints that it was too easy (because of muscle memory) to discard changes accidentally.

Following a recent thread on this very same subject, we discovered an issue that prevented user from changing that default to be just Escape. That has been fixed in 3.1.


Thank you Nick and everyone. I will wait for release 3.1 and set the keyboard shortcut to Escape.

Burger > Keyboard Shortcuts > Cancel Edit Tray > set to Escape



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