I have managed to get my ESP32-cam to upload to my RPI in a folder under html and web accessible.
Reference https://robotzero.one/posting-data-server-esp32
Each image is time stamped and I can view any specific one by hard coding a template and viewing in dashboard. I wonder is there any way I can view a list of available files and choose one to view.
You could use the node-red-contrib-fs-ops
nodes. When installed, there is one called directory that will return an array of file names (filtered to *.jpg if need be).
From this, you could build a table of hyperlinks in ui_template or send it to ui_table for fancy formatting
Thanks for that, it gives me some direction to start "googling"
Unfortunately I have fallen at the first hurdle in that using the directory node with a path of "home/pi/Pictures" I get no output. I have tried several different folders that contain files and tried various syntax.
Try ~/pi/Pictures
or /home/pi/Pictures
Apologies, just me being stupid. I needed to debug as a "complete message object" to see the result.
So I use a button to trigger this listing. Then a function to somehow populate a dropdown box containing links to the files. Does that make sense? Also I have an issue with relative path. In template I put
img src="/home/pi/Pictures/xxxx.jpg" style="width:100%"
This produces no image. Does the image folder have to reside within the www/html domain?
Hi John,
Indeed your browser cannot access files locally on your Raspberry. Luckily...
So you need to publish your images in an accessible folder. Here is a good explanation how to do that.
NOTE: This solution uses the node-red-contrib-fs-ops nodes (install via pallet manager)
So - you can make a folder public as @BartButenaers says or you can make an end point to deliver files
This should get you started...
The flow. NOITE: change the path and filter settings in the "Directory" node to /home/pi/Pictures
directory and the filter to *.jpg
[{"id":"a64dda71.3761a8","type":"ui_template","z":"e360ac5b.0ab79","group":"bab313df.9c70e","name":"ui_temlplate - present download links on dashboard","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"format":"<div ng-repeat=\"obj in msg.payload\">\n \n</div>\n\n\n<table border=\"1\">\n\t<tr ng-repeat=\"obj in msg.payload\">\n\t\t<td>{{obj.name}}</td>\n\t\t<td><a href='{{obj.url}}'>download</a></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"templateScope":"local","x":350,"y":460,"wires":[[]],"info":"## Title\n### Info...\n- point 1\n- point 2\n\n*More info*"},{"id":"d161fbe3.369e78","type":"ui_ui_control","z":"e360ac5b.0ab79","name":"","events":"change","x":220,"y":400,"wires":[["77871cdc.8b5264"]],"info":"## Title\n### Info...\n- point 1\n- point 2\n\n*More info*"},{"id":"77871cdc.8b5264","type":"fs-ops-dir","z":"e360ac5b.0ab79","name":"","path":"c:\\temp","pathType":"str","filter":"*.csv","filterType":"str","dir":"files","dirType":"msg","x":360,"y":400,"wires":[["7378c226.96aedc"]],"info":"## Title\n### Info...\n- point 1\n- point 2\n\n*More info*"},{"id":"7378c226.96aedc","type":"function","z":"e360ac5b.0ab79","name":"","func":"var opts = []\nvar path = msg.payload;\nfor (let index = 0; index < msg.files.length; index++) {\n const element = msg.files[index];\n var opt = {\n url: \"/files/\" + element,\n name: element\n }\n opts.push(opt)\n}\nmsg.payload = opts;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":490,"y":400,"wires":[["a64dda71.3761a8"]],"info":"## Title\n### Info...\n- point 1\n- point 2\n\n*More info*"},{"id":"bab313df.9c70e","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Data Export","tab":"a5270027.43aab","disp":true,"width":"12"},{"id":"a5270027.43aab","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Dashboard","icon":"dashboard","order":1}]
Thats fantastic. Thank you so much. I love node-red and especially love this forum where everyone seems to be so helpful and tolerant of beginners (unlike some other forums)
That worked perfectly, all I need to work out now is how to show souce image.
Instead of (or as well as) making the download link, you could just as easily generate an img tag in that template
Something like
<img src="{{url}}" alt="{{name}}">
But be warned, this will get slow of there are many images or if they are large.
Also, you might wanna set a width and height on the img
I would probably limit the loop to 10 and have some kind of "next page" or a filter for each day's images.
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