it's been a long time I try to execute a bash file in Node Red.
Node Red version : 4.0.2 running under docker.
The directory /usr/bin is correctly mounted but when I execute my script (with exec or exec-queue), the file is found but I have the execution error message:
"/usr/bin/gpio cannot execute: required file not found".
The "" file is in a mounted directory and recognized.
The "" file contains a list of calls of "/usr/bin/gpio" binary executable file with different options.
We can see the two directories mounted : "/usr/bin" and "/var/lib/node-red" (/data)
Is possible a right access problem? I don't think about that because the error message would have been "not access right" no?
A bad bind propagation ? I specify rprivate (default value) but it could be the wrong one.
I try with shared without success.
The error when "/usr/bin/ls" is executed:
I copy "" in /var/lib/node-red and call "/data/" in exec node with the same result:
OK, so is a docker issue, not node red. I don't have any other suggestions, apart from not using Docker. Unless you know a lot about Docker it just makes life difficult.