HI all, I'm currently working on a project with a few sensors that feeds me real time data at an interval of 1ms. By using node-red on my Pi 2 Model B (900MHz chip) as a way of control, I obtain my sensor data together with the timestamp via the inject node & write it into my influxDB server. The inject node is being run on an interval of 1ms as I require as much data as possible for visualization and analysis. From what I noticed, the timestamp when I query my data from influxDB, it has sometimes even a margin of error of 10ms & rarely the 1ms interval that I wanted. Wondering if there are any possibilities to increase the speed of Node Red itself. Should I maybe update my hardware to a Pi4 with a great SD Card? what are the other factors that affect node red?
Am aware of similar topics found on this forum.
Just wondering if there are many more ppl that tried using Node red for such Real time applications and what were their experiences.
Thank you so much for your help in advance