Fatal error: commiting semi space failed. Node-red stops

I have an ESP8266 that sends data from the DHT22 sensor to node-red via MQTT. I have also installed the buienradar node.

Node-red stopped last 2 nights. In the log I first see these lines 6x in a time of 10 minutes:

18 May 01:19:34 - [error] [influxdb out: af18d328.370628] Error: No host available
18 May 01:20:17 - [info] [mqtt-broker: c156527e.9bbc] Disconnected from broker: mqtt: // localhost: 58073
18 May 01:20:24 - [info] [rain radar: 90709958.14d448] Failed: Error: socket hang up
18 May 01:20:28 - [error] [influxdb out: b28e327d.6cda28] Error: Request timed out
18 May 01:21:11 - [info] [mqtt-broker: c156527e.9bbc] Connected to broker: mqtt: // localhost: 58073

Then these rules:

<--- Last few GCs --->

[1062: 0x3524070] 58010218 ms: Scavenge 54.0 (60.0) -> 53.5 (60.0) MB, 775.8 / 106.6 ms allocation failure
[1062: 0x3524070] 58150080 ms: Scavenge 54.3 (60.0) -> 53.7 (60.0) MB, 1102.6 / 59.8 ms allocation failure
[1062: 0x3524070] 58156052 ms: Scavenge 54.4 (60.0) -> 54.0 (60.5) MB, 813.6 / 69.3 ms allocation failure
[1062: 0x3524070] 58230168 ms: Scavenge 54.7 (60.5) -> 54.3 (60.5) MB, 3227.0 / 320.9 ms allocation failure

then i get this:

==== JS stack trace ================================================

Security context: 0x31bc451a5891
1: / * anonymous * / [/home/jde/.node-red/node_modules/xpath/xpath.js:~1678] [pc = 0xd25047422c4] (this = 0x20ed5674c0b9 , c = 0x20ed5674datext1 )
2: / * anonymous * / [/home/jde/.node-red/node_modules/xpath/xpath.js:~1678] [pc = 0xd2504741b0b] (this = 0x20ed5674d269 , c = 0x20ed5674d979 <XP folder = 0x26d47 ...

FATAL ERROR: Committing semi space failed. Allocation failed - process out of memory
1: node :: Abort () [node-red]
2: 0x8cd14c [node-red]
3: v8 :: Utils :: ReportOOMFailure (char const *, bool) [node-red]
4: v8 :: internal :: V8 :: FatalProcessOutOfMemory (char const *, bool) [node-red]
5: v8 :: internal :: Heap :: PerformGarbageCollection (v8 :: internal :: GarbageCollector, v8 :: GCCallbackFlags) [node-red]
6: v8 :: internal :: Heap :: CollectGarbage (v8 :: internal :: AllocationSpace, v8 :: internal :: GarbageCollectionReason, v8 :: GCCallbackFlags) [node-red]
7: v8 :: internal :: Factory :: NewFillerObject (int, bool, v8 :: internal :: AllocationSpace) [node-red]
8: v8 :: internal :: Runtime_AllocateInNewSpace (int, v8 :: internal :: Object **, v8 :: internal :: Isolate *) [node-red]
9: 0xd2503f042fd

Around 3:48 PM node-red will stop again this time with this message

[xmldom error] invalid document source
@ # [line: 0, col: undefined]
18 May 15:48:39 - [red] Uncaught Exception:
18 May 15:48:39 - TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeType' or undefined
at PathExpr.evaluate
at XPath.evaluate
at XPathExpression.evaluate
at Object.exports.selectWithResolver
at Object.exports.select
at IncomingMessage.
at emitNone (events.js: 111: 20)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js: 208: 7)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js: 1064: 12)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal / process / next_tick.js: 139: 11)

This also corresponds to what the VPS statistics show.


This is my set-up for node-red:

The json node action is: convert between json string & object

The function after buienradar
msg.payload = {temperature:
Number (msg.payload.buienradar.temperatureGC), rv:
Number (msg.payload.buienradar.lucht Humidity)}
return msg

The data:

MQTT: {"temperature": 20.10, "humidity": 57.40, "location": 1}

{"buienradar": {"station code": "6270", "station name": "Measuring station
Leeuwarden "," date ":" 05/18/2019
15:40:00 "," humidity ":" 62 "," temperatureGC ":" 19.1 "," wind speedMS ":" 3.2 "," wind speedBF ":" 2 "," wind directionGR ":" 302 "," wind direction " : "WNW", "air pressure": "1006.3", "sight gauges": "14700", "gustsMS": "5.4", "rainMMPU": "-", "sun intensityWM2": "437", "iconactueel": " "," iconzin ":" Heavy

is there someone how can help me? :slight_smile:

It shows: out of memory. Do you have memory available ?

Just a guess...

Perhaps the node is occasionally getting very large or bad responses and the xpath module is getting overwhelmed trying to parse the XML response? Maybe you could ask this on the GitHub issues?

Hi, this is solved. Changed interval to 5 minutes instead of 1 minute.

Thanks for the suggestions!