Finger print reader

Good morning,

I am interested in integrating a fingerprint reader in node red, and I was wondering if there is already a node that works with a specific brand.

The hardware I had looked at was this or similar.!)+Herramientas+de+Desarrollo+de+Sensores--1845080&matchtype=&aud-821594433763:pla-338659895251&gclid=CjwKCAjwlbr8BRA0EiwAnt4MTstr4CNlJdyN-IAzkknrSn3_HPphZ9hpx2d5rOgWFuXAHkwI-oq78RoCH3QQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Thanks and best regards!

Should be easy enough to hook up (its all basic serial comms)

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