🎇 FlexDash alpha release - round 2

Thanks for your work on FlexDash, I will try and keep my questions here short and to the point as I value your time to give some input.

My Node-RED dashboard has around 1000 users a day.
It uploads around 1Tb of data since any one page loads the whole site.
(Painful thread here: How to make Dashboard webserver more robust?)

FlexDash quesitons:

  1. Does loading one FlexDash page load the whole site?
  2. Does FlexDash use ExpressJS / Socket.io? (From the above link, I'm led to believe this is a bad thing for me if it does).
  3. Is FlexDash multi-user aware? ie If one person does a search does everyone get those results showing up everywhere like the current dashboard?
  4. I think I can run FlexDash and the stock dash together? ie, I cant take my current site down while I migrate to the new dash. I need the same URL path but different tabs for example.

Thanks for your help.
