[Flow] Corona country comparison with Hubei (China)

Charts for United Kingdom with lock down 2020-03-23


  1. Hubei factor for the United Kingdom based on a lock down date of 2020-03-23 is 17.583 (corresponds to about 55,000 deaths at the end of May).
  2. Let's hope that the measures taken by the UK before 2020-03-23 already reduced the spreading of the virus much more effectively than what happened in Hubei before they introduced the lock down at 23rd of January 2020. In that case the actual numbers will be much lower than what is extrapolated in these charts.


  • The charts with new and total confirmed cases show 0 for united kingdom. This is of course not correct. A couple a days ago the source input for these charts changed which caused this - I still need to make a correction for that.