Flow variable problème

hi everyone
i have a problem in the function node
here i don't why when i run the code work well but here the code return me msg.topic=" no ............ " and msg4.enabled = true its impossible i don't now the problem help me

//let fin_intab = flow.get("article_mp");
let  fin_intab =[{ "code": "01", "libelle": "ÐÑÉ", "qteart": -3804, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "02", "libelle": "ÕæíÇ", "qteart": -1334, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "03", "libelle": "ÔÚíÑ", "qteart": -1559, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "06", "libelle": "ÒíÊ", "qteart": -30, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "001", "libelle": "CMV", "qteart": -63.4, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "1", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" },
{ "code": "002", "libelle": "ÝæÓÝÇØ", "qteart": -570, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "1", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": "01", "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "0009", "libelle": "äÎÇáÉ", "qteart": -1020.2, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "1", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z" }, 
{ "code": "20", "libelle": " Ýæá ÓæÏÇäí", "qteart": -73, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 5, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2023-03-23T20:00:00.000Z" },
 { "code": "21", "libelle": "ÈÑíãßÓ ÃÛäÇã", "qteart": -179.7, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "1", "recepfosse": "1", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2023-03-23T20:00:00.000Z" },
 { "code": "05454", "libelle": "hjkghjk", "qteart": 0, "tolerance": 0, "tolermax": 0, "densite": 0, "poidsunit": 0, "durevie": 0, "nbrtourbroy": 0, "avec_cb": "0", "autorise": "0", "recepfosse": "0", "conditionnement": "", "codebarre": "", "prixnet": 0, "poidsmin": 0, "poidsmax": 0, "broyage": "0", "codetrs": "", "libtrs": "", "aveclot": "0", "artcmv": "0", "arthuile": "0", "ajoutman": "0", "service": "0", "exceft": "0", "chute": 0, "pvitesse": 0, "gvitesse": 0, "beine": "0", "capbeine": 0, "arteau": "0", "artsurfac": "0", "nbjalerte": 0, "nbjalerte1": 0, "qtemin": 0, "usera": "01", "userm": null, "datemaj": "2023-09-30T20:00:00.000Z" }];

//let choix_matiere_a_modifeaa = flow.get("choix_matiere_a_modifeaa");
//let choix_matiere_modife = flow.get("choix_matiere_modife");

let choix_matiere_modife ={"code":"06","libelle":"CMV","qteart":-30,"tolerance":0,"tolermax":0,"densite":0,"poidsunit":0,"durevie":0,"nbrtourbroy":0,"avec_cb":"0","autorise":"1","recepfosse":"1","conditionnement":"","codebarre":"","prixnet":0,"poidsmin":0,"poidsmax":0,"broyage":"0","codetrs":"","libtrs":"","aveclot":"0","artcmv":"0","arthuile":"0","ajoutman":"0","service":"0","exceft":"0","chute":0,"pvitesse":0,"gvitesse":0,"beine":"0","capbeine":0,"arteau":"0","artsurfac":"0","nbjalerte":0,"nbjalerte1":0,"qtemin":0,"usera":"01","userm":null,"datemaj":"2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z","id":3};

let choix_matiere_a_modifeaa  = {"code":"06","libelle":"ÒíÊ","qteart":-30,"tolerance":0,"tolermax":0,"densite":0,"poidsunit":0,"durevie":0,"nbrtourbroy":0,"avec_cb":"0","autorise":"1","recepfosse":"1","conditionnement":"","codebarre":"","prixnet":0,"poidsmin":0,"poidsmax":0,"broyage":"0","codetrs":"","libtrs":"","aveclot":"0","artcmv":"0","arthuile":"0","ajoutman":"0","service":"0","exceft":"0","chute":0,"pvitesse":0,"gvitesse":0,"beine":"0","capbeine":0,"arteau":"0","artsurfac":"0","nbjalerte":0,"nbjalerte1":0,"qtemin":0,"usera":"01","userm":null,"datemaj":"2022-10-05T20:00:00.000Z","id":3}
var x=0;
const msg4 = { "enabled": false };

if (JSON.stringify(choix_matiere_a_modifeaa) != JSON.stringify(choix_matiere_modife)){
    var __FOUND = fin_intab.find(function (post, index) {


         if (post.libelle == choix_matiere_modife.libelle ) {
            msg.topic = "  no ............  " ;
            x = 2;
            return true;
        } else { 
             msg.topic = "  enregestrement en cours";
            x = 4;
            msg4.enabled = true;

return [msg, msg4];

We can only speculate since there is not enough info.

If you want further help, please supply sample data for article_mp, choix_matiere_a_modifeaa and choix_matiere_modife.

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Also, do yourself a favour. the JSON.stringify and JSON.parse functions are notoriously brittle. Always surround their use with try/catch blocks to prevent unexpected nasty errors.

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the problem here is that entre in the first if statement and if true must don't look to the else statement but here no

Add node.warn() statements to your function to work out what is going on.

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