FTP File to Local

Dear Community,

I am currently facing some challenges with FTP FileZilla and Node Red. Although it may seem like a simple task, I am encountering some difficulties. My objective is to relocate a folder from FTP to my local system and subsequently delete the FTP folder after the transfer is complete. Within this folder, there are pictures that are updated every 2 minutes with a timestamp corresponding to the image. Therefore, when transferring the data, any new pictures that are added to the FTP so i need only the added Data.

There are some FTP nodes, but I have had little success with them. One solution is to work out the command line commands to do what you want and then run those using exec nodes in node-red.

Do you really have to use FTP? There are often better alternatives.

sadly yes :disappointed_relieved:

Can you use ncftp / lftp or WinSCP rather than FileZilla?

I would then drive these via a command line call using the Exec Node.