Please forgive the long and an apparent off-topic post, but I'm at my wits end trying to figure out a math function node.
I have a temperature/humidity sensor from MetOne Instruments that I'm trying to come up with a function node that would convert the sensor resistance to a temperature. It's been a LONG time since I've been in a math class so I'm hoping a math-savvy person can help me. The formula is below the chart which I've included for reference and checking against solutions derived by the equations. I was trying to include an image of the formulas from the sensor PDF but couldn't figure out how to do that, but where you see -1, that is actually the -1 exponent, or the reciprocal as in (Rt-1) is 1/Rt (at least from what I remember and what I've found on the web). But for the life of me I can't get the right temperature given the resistance, or even close. If I use 23663 ohms (60 degrees), when I solve for Tc it is nowhere near 23663. I'd LIKE to use the formula to get the temperature, but, since I only REALLY need is the sensor resistance from 0 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, so maybe a lookup table? Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Tc Rt Tc Rt Tc Rt
°F Ohms °F Ohms °F Ohms
50 26801 78 18908 106 13171
51 26469 79 18672 107 12995
52 26140 80 18439 108 12821
53 25816 81 18208 109 12648
54 25497 82 17980 110 12477
55 25181 83 17754 111 12308
56 24870 84 17531 112 12140
57 24562 85 17310 113 11974
58 24259 86 17092 114 11809
59 23959 87 16876 115 11646
60 23663 88 16662 116 11484
61 23371 89 16451 117 11324
62 23082 90 16241 118 11165
63 22797 91 16034 119 11008
64 22516 92 15829 120 10853
65 22238 93 15627 121 10698
66 21963 94 15426 122 10545
67 21691 95 15227
68 21423 96 15031
69 21158 97 14836
70 20896 98 14644
71 20638 99 14453
72 20382 100 14265
73 20129 101 14078
74 19879 102 13893
75 19632 103 13710
76 19388 104 13528
77 19147 105 13349
Sensor Range = -58F to +122F (-50C to +50C)
Conversion Formulas:
Tc = (((Rt-1) + (23100-1))-1 – 13698.3) / (-129.163)
Rt = (((-129.163Tc) +13698.3)-1) – 23100-1)-1
Where: Tc = Temperature in degrees F
Rt = Sensor Resistance in Ohms