Geofence won't add "inarea" property

Hi everyone, I'm new here.
I'm using the flight Radar 24 node into the geofence node with the "inarea" option selected.
I can see the message and all of the usual objects are there, I just cant see the "inarea" object in the debug tab. The other options inside or outside the area, work fine. Is it just me? :slight_smile: :upside_down_face:

Many thanks

Here is the output


Here are the nodes


Try changing the debug node to display the 'Complete msg object'

Hi zenofmud, I have tried everything it's not there not just not visible.
Totally stumped

When you display the 'Complete msg object' you will notice a msg.location and in that is msg.location.inarea:
Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 7.25.00 AM
is that what you are looking for?

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Hi zenofmud,
Thank you I can now see it.
Did this - image

Can now see this -

Good lesson learned.

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