GeoFence / WorldMap / Turfjs

I'm trying o discover the capabilities of Node Red with a geographic dimension and i'd like to know if there is a simple way to transform the geofence payload area into a geojson file ? I know that it's possible to display directly the area on WorldMap but i'd like to use it with Turfjs. I have little knowledges of development so I try to find some easy solutions to do that without coding.


To save those who are unfamiliar with the 2 formats, if you post 2 examples (1 of each) there are plenty of folk on the forum who could point you towards a flow or function to translate one format to the other.

The Geofence node does not output geojson it's current shape output looks like:


  name: "GeoFence",
  layer: "geofence",
  fillOpacity: 0.05,
  fillColor: "#404040",
  clickable: true
  lat: 0.0
  lon: 0.0
  radius: 100

everything else

  name: "GeoFence",
  layer: "geofence",
  fillOpacity: 0.05,
  fillColor: "#404040",
  clickable: true
  area: [[0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.5], [0.5,0.5], [0.5,0.0]]

GeoJSON spec can be found here:

p.s. I'm the author/maintainer of the geofence node

Hi all, thx for your answers.

Hardillb, yes i did note that the output was different from the geojson format and i was looking fo a simple way to convert this output to geojson and save it onto a file without coding. So if you have the time to insert this option in your amazing node, feel free it would be very helpful :grinning: :innocent:

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