Getting data from Windows PC data

Windows is not friendly in general :wink:

Lets not start that - it is perfectly friendly in some respects and rubbish in others - just as is true for Linux and Mac.


Hello everyone again.
dear @TotallyInformation is that possible to get data from windows PC with telegram ? Is it possible and stable right ?
Sorry I dont get it very well

Do you mean to send some metrics to Telegram from a Windows PC?

If you do, then yes. You can do this easily with Telegraf and Node-RED. It seems pretty stable to me though I don't run it permanently because I don't run a Windows server.

Now I will try to getting dta from windows and then I will inform you I did or not

Telegram is not working windows PC, any other solution we have getting some data from windows PC ?

Dear @bakman2 Python I installed my windows but python pip and glances didnt install it, please how can I install it, help me

What do you mean? What errors are you getting?

The Node-RED Telegram Node (actually all 3 different Nodes) works perfectly on Windows, I use it all the time.

Did you actually mean Telegraf? But that also works perfectly, I have it running on my Windows 10 Surface Book 2.

This is telegram bot, we were talking about telegraf right ?

telegraf is not working on windows, I really confused everythings.

Just want to monitor some windows services, what is the easy way to do this ?

OK, you wrote Telegram instead of Telegraf. No problem.

Right, so now we know you've not managed to get Telegraf working, we need to understand why.

In my view, Telegraf is the easiest way - short of expensive software/services or even more confusing PowerShell scripts - to export system data from Windows.

So we need to know what you did to try and install Telegraf and what errors you got from the process so that we can help you get it working. For me, I just followed the instructions.

Here are a few links on using Telegraf with Windows:

I have downloaded and installed telegraf in windows

After that I imported your flow but it gives an error.
what I will do, please can you define me step by step

First step: Is Telegraf running and is it producing output? Configure a couple of collectors and perhaps the file output just to make sure it is working.

Next step is to decide where you actually want the output to go - for example, is there an MQTT broker on the same network as the Windows device? If so, that might be a good place to send stuff. Otherwise, once you have confirmed that Telegraf is working, we will need to configure Telegraf to output to a TCP port and Node-RED to listen on that same port.

Fİrst step : How can I understand, telegraf producing output ? I just know service is working but dont know producing output.

Next step is : Raspberry PI and windows machine same network and connected eachother also pinging

Please read the Telegraf documentation, it isn't difficult to configure. There are a wide range of outputs including a file output which will be the quickest to configure when testing as a service. You could also stop the service and run Telegraf manually - the default test output goes to the console in that case.

I have read many times, but I dont get it clearly.

Log files always say this.
How can I go forward

2019-07-19T22:07:41Z E! [outputs.influxdb] when writing to [http://localhost:8086]: Post http://localhost:8086/write?db=telegraf: dial tcp [::1]:8086: connectex: Target Machine actively refused connection.

Is influxdb running on that computer?
If you believe it is are you able to access using, for example, the influx command line client?

My pc is x86 I didnt find influxdb for win x86 OS, so I dont install influx db on my windows. But raspberry already installed influx db.

On windows PC I only run telegraf.

I assume that log is on the PC. I don't use telegraf, but looking at the error suggests that you have told it to use influx on the PC (that's what localhost means), you need to tell it where the influx server is.

You have left in the configuration to output to InfluxDB and you don't want that. Just remove it from the Telegraf config file and put in the file output instead.