Getting to 3D world with node-red-contrib-web-babylonjs

Morning Ahmed,

Looks like a VERY useful contribution!

Question 1

I had never heard about babylon.js until now. Are there any special IOT related use cases you had already in mind for your node?

Our friend @dceejay had a proposal some time ago, based on this article:

That article uses three.js and has a nice 3D use case to control lights in a house:

I see that babylon.js also supports lights. So this kind of fancy stuff might be possible with your node?

Question 2

Had no time yet to play with your node, so perhaps this is already possible? Is there any kind of babylon.js web based drawing editor that could be embedded with your node. So we can go from your node directly to an editor, like we integrated DrawSvg into our node-red-contrib-ui-svg node?

Thanks for your time and effort!!!

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