GitHub Auto Pull

I would like to know if it's possible to add an auto-pull feature from a GitHub repository? (For example, daily or on-demand via the API...)
Currently, it's only possible to perform the pull manually.
Thank you.

That is not a node-red question, but (assuming you are on Linux) you could use a cron task to do that. I don't know about mac or Windows but no doubt they have similar scheduling applications.

@rFond I assume this is in the context of the Node-RED projects feature and having Node-RED pull the latest changes itself. This isn't something available by default in Node-RED. There is an underlying API that could be called, although it isn't a publicly documented one. Your best bet today would be to script it on the command line with a git pull in the project's directory and then restarting Node-RED to pickup any changes

@knolleary Exactly! Currently, following @Colin advice, I execute 'git pull + reboot' if there are changes, and it works very well. However, it feels a bit like a makeshift solution for me, so linking it to the project would have been really helpful.
Thank you very much!

No need to reboot, restarting node-red would be enough.

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