Gmail and Outlook dont catch my mails from one of my VPS providers

Hi! I am using node-red-node-email and it works excellently on two VPS from two different providers. But to reduce costs I decided to contract another VPS provider.

And this new one is causing me the next issue:

The node-red-node-email works, it sends the mail but Gmail and Outlook don't get it, I know it sends it because I receive it on my private mail with another domain. I don't know what to do, I don't get any log messages of an error.
I contacted my new provider but they haven't solved anything yet.
Does anyone knows what to do in this case?
Or if someone knows of a mail sender provider or something that you had use in node-red. I am using mails to send tokens and to send email alerts in case of an event in an mqtt device.

PD: I am using Traefik as a reverse proxy with its lets encrypt certs, and docker swarm with three manager nodes.

So the solution was to contact my vps provider telling them about the problem and they proceed to do something related to open SMTP Ports and something about reverse DNS. But I decided to use SES from amazon. Also to use this node instead node-red-contrib-email

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