I'm appending time in Col A and temp in Col B to Sheet1. Pretty simple and all works perfectly. Here's what appears to me to be odd behavior.
Since Sheet1 simply collects data I use Sheet2 to process it.
So in Sheet2 A1 I use =Sheet1!A1 then =Sheet1!A2, =Sheet1!A3, etc down the column. New values are appended perfectly in Sheet1 but when they are, they force the next open row on Sheet2 to change the formula so instead I get =Sheet1!A1 then =Sheet1!A2, =Sheet1!A4. It eliminates =Sheet1!A3 and replaces it with =Sheet1!A4 and therefore nothing is updated in Sheet2.
So I must have something set up incorrectly with either the Google Sheets Node or the spreadsheet but I'm at a loss to understand what it is. I've never seen this behavior before using append.
Thoughts appreciated.
I'm using node-red-contrib-google-sheets v1.1.2, method = append row and cells = Sheet1!A1:B1