GPIO get/read/display node?

Is there a node which can display the status of a GPIO pin?

I'm trying to debug a program and need a visual display of GPIO high/low status. I imagine a node which looks like the GPIO In node, but refreshed regularly (interval set inside node settings?).

Any thoughts?

All the best,

If you feed the gpio In node into a debug node and select Node Status in the debug node then it will show you the state under the debug node.

Thanks Colin!

Hmm.. if the status is correct, then the GPIOs aren't being toggled at all. :thinking:
Or the input nodes aren't outputting constantly. I have enabled "Read initial state of pin on deploy/restart", but that suggests that state isn't read regularly.

I need to send a 4-bit message to 4 separate GPIOs. I found a flow which allows you to send multi-line exec node commands and set it up for that purpose:

        "id": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "type": "subflow",
        "name": "Execute Shell Script",
        "info": "",
        "in": [
                "x": 100,
                "y": 200,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "662c3c62.43d624"
        "out": [
                "x": 960,
                "y": 280,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "9e92978.d8d0868",
                        "port": 0
                "x": 960,
                "y": 340,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "9e92978.d8d0868",
                        "port": 1
                "x": 960,
                "y": 400,
                "wires": [
                        "id": "9e92978.d8d0868",
                        "port": 2
        "id": "dda86e6b.3b362",
        "type": "file",
        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "name": "Write script file",
        "filename": "filename",
        "filenameType": "msg",
        "appendNewline": true,
        "createDir": false,
        "overwriteFile": "false",
        "x": 860,
        "y": 140,
        "wires": [
        "id": "7a2a96f.a52b268",
        "type": "exec",
        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "command": "mktemp",
        "addpay": false,
        "append": "",
        "useSpawn": "",
        "timer": "",
        "name": "",
        "x": 420,
        "y": 200,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "file",
        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "name": "Delete script file",
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        "filenameType": "msg",
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        "createDir": false,
        "overwriteFile": "delete",
        "x": 1020,
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        "wires": [
        "id": "9e92978.d8d0868",
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        "timer": "",
        "name": "Execute the shell script",
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        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
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        "timer": "",
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        "type": "function",
        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "name": "",
        "func": "msg.filename = msg.payload.trim();\nmsg.payload = msg.command;\nreturn msg;",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "x": 590,
        "y": 180,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "change",
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        "type": "comment",
        "z": "1a73c740.e06d79",
        "name": "Execute shell script",
        "info": "Execute the shell script in msg.payload.",
        "x": 130,
        "y": 40,
        "wires": []
        "id": "3c6751f317a368c2",
        "type": "rpi-gpio out",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Enable modulator output",
        "pin": "25",
        "set": true,
        "level": "0",
        "freq": "",
        "out": "out",
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 730,
        "y": 380,
        "wires": []
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        "duration": "500",
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        "units": "ms",
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        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
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        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dh\nraspi-gpio set 23 dl\nraspi-gpio set 22 dh\nraspi-gpio set 17 dh",
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        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dl\nraspi-gpio set 23 dl\nraspi-gpio set 22 dh\nraspi-gpio set 17 dh",
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        "onceDelay": "",
        "topic": "",
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        "y": 540,
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        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Shell Script",
        "field": "payload",
        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dh\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dh\nraspi-gpio set 17 dl",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 540,
        "wires": [
        "id": "1ecfd6479683fda5",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "#2 off",
        "props": [
                "p": "payload"
                "p": "topic",
                "vt": "str"
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        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "",
        "payloadType": "date",
        "x": 130,
        "y": 580,
        "wires": [
        "id": "2ad3b650166322a9",
        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
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        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dl\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dh\nraspi-gpio set 17 dl",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 580,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "#3 on",
        "props": [
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                "vt": "str"
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        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": "",
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        "x": 130,
        "y": 680,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Shell Script",
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        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dh\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dl\nraspi-gpio set 17 dh",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 680,
        "wires": [
        "id": "8c72f9e4c1110c9a",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
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        "props": [
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        "crontab": "",
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        "x": 130,
        "y": 720,
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        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Shell Script",
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        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dl\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dl\nraspi-gpio set 17 dh",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 720,
        "wires": [
        "id": "bb33a1809c185051",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "#4 on",
        "props": [
                "p": "payload"
                "p": "topic",
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        "crontab": "",
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        "onceDelay": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "",
        "payloadType": "date",
        "x": 130,
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        "wires": [
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        "type": "template",
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        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dh\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dl\nraspi-gpio set 17 dl",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 820,
        "wires": [
        "id": "5a41aa51f7763f87",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "#4 off",
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                "p": "payload"
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                "vt": "str"
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        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "",
        "payloadType": "date",
        "x": 130,
        "y": 860,
        "wires": [
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        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Shell Script",
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        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 27 dl\nraspi-gpio set 23 dh\nraspi-gpio set 22 dl\nraspi-gpio set 17 dl",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 860,
        "wires": [
        "id": "fc18859c1f981288",
        "type": "comment",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Appliance name",
        "info": "",
        "x": 140,
        "y": 360,
        "wires": []
        "id": "3dc0b1a7180c0932",
        "type": "comment",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
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        "info": "",
        "x": 140,
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        "type": "comment",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
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        "x": 140,
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        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Appliance name",
        "info": "",
        "x": 140,
        "y": 780,
        "wires": []
        "id": "6979794cf1afb8c2",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Setup GPIOs",
        "props": [
                "p": "payload"
                "p": "topic",
                "vt": "str"
        "repeat": "",
        "crontab": "",
        "once": true,
        "onceDelay": 0.1,
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "1",
        "payloadType": "num",
        "x": 300,
        "y": 80,
        "wires": [
        "id": "7f87ef523d955b62",
        "type": "template",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "Shell Script",
        "field": "payload",
        "fieldType": "msg",
        "format": "handlebars",
        "syntax": "mustache",
        "template": "#! /bin/sh\n\nraspi-gpio set 24 dl",
        "x": 290,
        "y": 140,
        "wires": [
        "id": "4275755d2bb2b92d",
        "type": "rpi-gpio out",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "d": true,
        "name": "Mode select (low=OOK mode)",
        "pin": "24",
        "set": true,
        "level": "0",
        "freq": "",
        "out": "out",
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 710,
        "y": 560,
        "wires": []
        "id": "02a1c830607dc6bc",
        "type": "rpi-gpio in",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "GPIO 27",
        "pin": "27",
        "intype": "tri",
        "debounce": "25",
        "read": true,
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 920,
        "y": 260,
        "wires": [
        "id": "ced24b84793e7187",
        "type": "rpi-gpio in",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "GPIO23",
        "pin": "23",
        "intype": "tri",
        "debounce": "25",
        "read": true,
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 920,
        "y": 320,
        "wires": [
        "id": "b3d901a3379f899c",
        "type": "rpi-gpio in",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "GPIO22",
        "pin": "22",
        "intype": "tri",
        "debounce": "25",
        "read": true,
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 920,
        "y": 380,
        "wires": [
        "id": "fed780bb4417682e",
        "type": "rpi-gpio in",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "GPIO17",
        "pin": "17",
        "intype": "tri",
        "debounce": "25",
        "read": true,
        "bcm": true,
        "x": 920,
        "y": 440,
        "wires": [
        "id": "68edf16c66b98012",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "debug 1",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": true,
        "complete": "payload",
        "targetType": "msg",
        "statusVal": "payload",
        "statusType": "auto",
        "x": 1060,
        "y": 260,
        "wires": []
        "id": "5a66232ebdaab619",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "debug 2",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": true,
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        "targetType": "msg",
        "statusVal": "payload",
        "statusType": "auto",
        "x": 1060,
        "y": 320,
        "wires": []
        "id": "743fba18cff09729",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "debug 3",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": true,
        "complete": "payload",
        "targetType": "msg",
        "statusVal": "payload",
        "statusType": "auto",
        "x": 1060,
        "y": 380,
        "wires": []
        "id": "1fa7bcd106266a0d",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "e7bc54457b5634db",
        "name": "debug 4",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": true,
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        "targetType": "msg",
        "statusVal": "payload",
        "statusType": "auto",
        "x": 1060,
        "y": 440,
        "wires": []

The gpio in node will send a message each time the input changes state.

I thought you were talking about gpio in nodes.

Afraid not. I need to monitor the state of GPIO pins setup for output.

I guess a different tack would be to approach the question differently. I'll make a separate post.

Separate post: Easy way to send 4-bit string to 4 separate GPIO out pins

The GPIO Out ode shows you the current state under the node, in fact I think the GPIO In does too.


Yes, I'm aware of that, but I don't know of an wasy way to send a 4-bit string to 4 separate GPIO nodes.

If only our GPIO-out node would accept topic, then you could send msg.topic=GPIO22 msg.payload=high

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