Grow Frame AKA Remotely Controlled Station

David @dynamicdave and Paul @zenofmud are pleased to announce the release of their Grow Frame AKA Remotely Controlled Station based on an ESP32-S2 Mini flashed with MicroPython.

This practical project started out as a simple temperature sensor for a grow frame (a miniature greenhouse designed to cultivate seedlings prior to planting them out in a garden) for my son-in-law. Like a number of our projects it grew and grew (no pun intended) as more functionality was added.
The final result is a node that can be deployed to sense temperature, humidity and air pressure in any geographical location. All it needs is access to a WiFi Access Point and a (local or remote) MQTT broker.

Although the nodes shown here are fitted with a BME280 t/h/p sensor it could be fitted with a set of switches, an OLED panel or use the I/O pins to drive LEDs or relays.
The node can also read voltages via any pins that have been configured as analog inputs.

Once we had added this extra functionality we thought a better name might be... "Remotely Controlled Station" because as you will find out, if you read the Tutorial on our website Share_My_Projects, it can be controlled remotely and configured from Node-RED.
Here's a view of the Tutorial's front cover - it runs to 19-pages of useful material.


A Node-RED dashboard is used to monitor the readings and change the parameters in the remote node.

We have created this website Share_My_Projects where you can find...

  • The detailed Tutorial about how to build and operate the project
  • The MicroPython script for this project
  • The MicroPython libraries used in this project
  • Scripts to set-up the config files
  • A script to calcuate the scaling-factor for the analog channels
  • A simple Node-RED flow to test the Remotely Controlled Station
  • A simple Node-RED flow to monitor readings obtained from the node

We hope you enjoy reading about our project and building one yourself.


I see you soldered the pins going up and down, thats a neat idea :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That was for my lash-up as the S2-Mini is not very breadboard friendly. Next step is to design a PCB.

Looks good.

FYI - There is a link page in between where you select the project and when you get the pdf, it has no image, just 'No image for file' and no obvious link. Not sure if this is intended.
Colin J

I'm using the Single File Gallery (SFG) program to handle the filing on this part of my website.
It looks for PNGs or JPGs in the various folders (but there are only Python, json and txt files) so it reports "No Images in gallery" or "No thumbnail for file" - which is a bit confusing.

If you click on the various icons you will be directed to the material you need. PDFs, Python code, etc...

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Ah, that explains it!! I did get the document, it was just an observation in case you had missed it!


Minor improvements have been made to '' script and the Node-RED test flow (Grow_Frame_Test.json) New versions can be found on our website... Share_My_Projects.

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Some examples of capturing readings from a Remotely Controlled Station and writing data to a dB.

Here's a screen-shot of the simple NR flow


As an alternative to MySQL, I've connected my NR flow to Clarify (dB visualiser) as I can zoom-in/out and pan left/right to inspect various data-points. It will look better tomorrow when I have more readings.

This is the flow where the magic happens...

Here's a simple dashboard created using the tools within Clarify.

Just added some coloured bands and ranges to the humidity gauge.
0 to less than 30% Dry
30 to 60% Comfortable
60 to 70% Humid
70 to 100% Very humid

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