Hashing password

Hi, i was trying to generate some passwords for the node-red editor and when i ran the "node-red-admin hash-pw" command with some password i noticed that every time i ran it it throws different hashes for the same pw, is this correct?

Yes. It uses the BCrypt hashing algorithm - bcrypt - Wikipedia

I didn't thought that that was possible, thanks for the answer and the enlightenment.


Hi knolleary,
I came into the same situation but for me different hashes don't work.
I've also written here
Do you have any suggestion?

Please only comment on one thread for your issue. Now you have two threads which one do you want any replies to be added to?

I'm sorry. I only noted similar topics and this is the reason why I posted link to the other. Of course one is enought. To answer to you, plese refer to other thread.