How extract time for travel OR take a screenshot of GOOGLE MAPS?

Hi all,
I would like to

  1. Extract the TIMEs that google maps give for my travel (number 23minute and 26 minute in the image in attach)
  2. take a "screenshot" of the Goggle Maps travel and save as Image.

I have raspberry pi 3 with "Bullseye 32bit full version" and Node-red V3.0.2
I have the G.maps complete web link to give directly my travel:

> ',etc')

I have already try few guide found in internet, using python and selenium /geckodrive + firefox-sr, but something is wrong, and it doen't work

Could someone tell me if the option 1) or 2) is possible and give me a guide or where to find it?
Many thanks in advance.

You realise that Google maps has an API?

The problem with trying to scrape that from the webpage is that the data is dynamic which means that to automate it, you have to use a full headless browser. This is certainly possible with Node-RED and there are several nodes in the flow library to do that. Even then, such a solution tends to be very brittle since a change at Google's end will break your flow unexpectedly.

The API is provided for programmatic access to Google maps.

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