How many Switch nodes are way too many?

hi guys

I am new to using node red and am currently in a dilemma on how to proceed with the project.
It is an alarm system focused on the activation of remote panic buttons, the alert system is intended to be used with a number of 100 buttons placed in different locations, therefore I am using a Switch Node for each button for its identification and for the generation of custom alerts depending which button is pressed.

I don't know if this is the best way to filter and generate actions under the reception of a particular button or is there any other method I can use to obtain the same results?

thank you in advance and please find attached my flow and image for reference.

        "id": "2e9989f0e16344e8",
        "type": "switch",
        "z": "12fac42ea0b82cc0",
        "name": "Button Pressed",
        "property": "payload.isButtonPressed[0]",
        "propertyType": "msg",
        "rules": [
                "t": "true"
        "checkall": "false",
        "repair": true,
        "outputs": 1,
        "x": 280,
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        "wires": [
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        "type": "ui_toast",
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        "displayTime": "30",
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        "outputs": 1,
        "ok": "Aceptar",
        "cancel": "",
        "raw": true,
        "className": "",
        "topic": "Activación botón de pánico- Latina Seguros",
        "name": "POP-UP",
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        "y": 120,
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        "topic": "Activación botón de pánico- 1700 Digital",
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Ok you have 100 physical buttons, how are they communicating with node-red? If each button has a unique identifier, why not build a database containing the information (location etc) and when the message arrives in NR, do a database lookup to grab the needed information and send it the -appropriate people.

For comunication Im using reelyactive/node-red-pareto-anywhere which digest and process the BLE Beacons data coming from differents BLE Gateways connected to the wlan, my problem is that each beacon( Button ) generates different tasks such as making calls, sending sms and also at the same time they trigger events in the visualization dashboard.

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Are the actions that a button activation going to be fixed or variable? If variable how will you know?

How many unique actions will there be amoung all the buttons?

I would still have a database with the actions for each button. When a button’s id arrives you query the database and get the list of actions. The msg is then sent could go thru a function node that would parse all the actions and send out a msg for each action. (See the documentation on the function on how to send multiple messages.)

I think the nice thing about this method is to add an action to a button, you would just add that action to that id’s database record and you could remove actions too without changing the flow.

You could also add new buttons as you go.

But that is how I would do it, others might come up with better ideas since there is always multiple ways to solve a problem :grin:


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