How to add new node to palette?

I have installed the node daikin-controller-cloud from whithin the .node-red directory with the command 'npm -i daikin-controller-cloud'.
So far so good.

There is a directory daikin-controller-cloud in the node-modules directory.
I restarted nodered. In the palette the node does not show up. Also not in the node list in the left window of the webpage.

What am I doing wrong?

Hi @cope

You can’t just install any npm module and start using it from the palllett.

Modules have to be developed specifically for Node RED.

Node RED is designed to work with modules developed specifically for it.

If you wanted to use a 3rd party module in say, the function node then search loading modules in function nodes (sorry I’m on the phone) - many here do that, to use none Node RED modules

If you wanted it to work like others nodes - it needs to be developed specifically for Node RED

Thanks for answering and pointing me to the problem.

I found the info on GitHub - Apollon77/daikin-controller-cloud: Connect and Control Daikin Cloud devices and thought that would work with Node Red. That is clearly not so.

Nodes in the Pallett are specifically written for Node RED.
You can use None Node RED modules, but you need to use a function node to use them.

Writing Functions : Node-RED (

It will work with node-red (or at least it should), but you won't see a node for it. As Marcus says you will have to drive it in a function node. Also see

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OK, thanks for the pointers.
I will have a look at these.

There is a node called node-red-contrib-daikin-cloud available, might be worth a try first before messing with external packages in a function node.

Yes, I know. I used it for several years but now it stopped working.
At the side of Daikin things have changed and the authentication works no more.
That's why I was looking for something else.

The readme file of this node is referring to the page of daikin-controller-cloud.

But it is not very transparent for me.

You were willing to use the library directly...

I wouldn't mind betting, you can fork it, update it, fix the auth issues - fix it for others

Community spirit and all that :nerd_face:

Well, of course I would like to solve this for other users. But I am afraid that this is too ambitious for me.

The developer has indicated on their github that they are aware of the issue. They were waiting on a lib update that has since happened but are currently short on time to update their package.

Thanks for the info.
Patience is a good thing