I have built an Arduino based humidity switch for my bathroom fan:
- Arduino1 + humidity sensor, publishing humidity value on MQTT
- Arduino2 + relay, connected to fan & subscribing to fanState ("ON"/"OFF")
- Raspberry Pi + Mosquitto + node-red
The node-red dashboard is set up with, amongst other things, a drop-down to change modes: Humidity, Off & On for 5 minutes.
I use a flow variable as a way to persist the state. I inject the default value (Humidity) once at the start, and then every time the main function node is invoked (when Arduino1 publishes Humidity value) it reads the flow variable and sets the msg.payload accordingly. It should also publish a msg on the third terminal [2] with a payload equivalent to the desired drop-down state. For Humidity and Off, it remains constant but there's a countdown timer for the Timed choice, so that it reverts the drop-down to Humidity, when the 300,000ms are up. My code keeps returning undefined on that terminal and I can't work out why?
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"id": "92d0723a.bc29",
"type": "function",
"z": "f83e28e7.f328c8",
"name": "ThresholdCheck",
"func": "var humidity= msg.payload;\nvar FT = \"off\" //FanToggle\nvar FV = 0 //FantoggleValue\nvar H = {\"Humidity\":\"Humidity\"};\nvar msg2 = {};\nvar msg3 = {};\nvar msg4 = {};\n// fanGoal: 0=Humidity, 1=Off, 2=Timed\nvar fanGoal = flow.get(\"fanGoal\");\n// fanTimer\nvar fanTimer= flow.get(\"fanTimer\");\nvar fanCount= flow.get(\"fanCountdown\");\n\n//--------------msg1\nmsg = {\"payload\":humidity};\n\n//--------------msg2\n//console.log(humidity);\nif (parseFloat(humidity)>85){\n FT={\"payload\":\"ON\"};\n FV={\"payload\":parseInt(\"1\")};\n //console.log('A');\n}\nelse{\n FT={\"payload\":\"off\"};\n FV={\"payload\":parseInt(\"0\")};\n //console.log('B');\n}\n\n//console.log(\"Switch:\"+fanGoal);\nswitch(fanGoal){\n case 2: //timer\n if (fanTimer+fanCount >= Date.now()){\n // console.log(fanTimer+fanCount);\n // console.log( Date.now());\n console.log(\"Still on\");\n msg2 = {\"payload\":\"ON\"};\n //msg4 = {\"On for 5min\":\"Timed\"}; //will this reset the timer every time?\n }\n else{\n msg2 = {\"payload\":\"OFF\"};\n flow.set.fanGoal = 0;\n console.log('off - timed out');\n msg4 = \"a string\";\n //msg4.payload = H;\n //msg4 = \"Humidity\";\n //msg4 = \"Humidity:Humidity\";\n //msg4={\"payload\":H};\n //msg4={\"payload\":\"Humidity\"};\n }\n break;\n case 1: //turned off\n msg2 = {\"payload\":\"OFF\"};\n flow.set.fanGoal = 1;\n //console.log('turned off');\n break;\n default: //humidity\n msg2 = FT;\n flow.set.fanGoal = 0;\n //console.log('defaulted to humidity');\n}\n\n//--------------msg3\nmsg3 = FV;\n\n//--------------\n// [[humidity value][fan on/off state][0/1 fan state][reset fan timer]]\nreturn [[msg],[msg2],[msg3],[msg4]];",
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"passthru": false,
"multiple": false,
"options": [
"label": "Humidity",
"value": "Humidity",
"type": "str"
"label": "Off",
"value": "Disabled",
"type": "str"
"label": "On for 5min",
"value": "Timed",
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"payloadType": "str",
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"crontab": "",
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"z": "f83e28e7.f328c8",
"name": "FanControl",
"func": "var optns=['Humidity','Disabled','Timed'];\n\nswitch(optns.indexOf(msg.payload)){\n case 2:{\n flow.set(\"fanGoal\", 2); //timer\n flow.set(\"fanTimer\", Date.now());\n msg.payload = 2;\n break;\n }\n case 1:{\n flow.set(\"fanGoal\", 1); //off\n msg.payload = 1;\n break;\n }\n default:{\n flow.set(\"fanGoal\", 0); //humidity\n msg.payload = 0;\n }\n}\nconsole.log(\"fanGoal=\"+msg.payload);\nreturn msg;",
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