I use the telegram node and a telegram bot to send short video files to telegram, like explained here:
This works, but I cannot watch the video on my mobile phone instantly/directly in telegram. The first frame is shortly shown but then it gets white (WHY??) - it is offered / passed by telegram to a different location/app and then it is displayed. That's on a mobile. I can watch it immidiately on the telegram PC client.
I send it using a telegram sender node and function for the payload like:
let payload = {
return {payload};
The video itself is recorded by a shell script (simple usb camera connected to a Raspberry Pi):
Is that the same PC that the video file is saved on?
I am not certain, but it looks like the video is not actually sent - but instead - a path to the video. i.e. your phone wont have access to /home/auser/video/myvideo.mp4. My guess is you would need to generate a buffer & send as attachment.
for example, if you send a URL to a video instead, that will work.
or perhaps it does work but your phone doesnt like the MP4 encoding?
Try manually copying the mp4 file to your phone - does it play?