How to filter a long string that is split

I have a string from Brultech GEM that I can split with the & deliminator.

I only want the item (P_24=) and its value. I can split this into individual substrings, but I can not figure out how to filter only the P_24 value.
Any help would be appreciated.

Simple after the split use a switch node like this:
Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 1.20.28 PM

Here is the flow

[{"id":"453ffebef9cf238f","type":"inject","z":"05a89d30924df06f","name":"sample data","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"n=00012915&m=5234702&wh_1=153454.32&p_1=3&wh_2=14839.24&p_2=20&wh_3=46336.37&p_3=0&wh_4=134758.34&p_4=11&wh_5=161041.46&p_5=0&wh_6=121477.05&p_6=197&wh_7=123890.64&p_7=0&wh_8=1695.32&p_8=0&wh_9=88036.15&p_9=68&wh_10=122949.71&p_10=64&wh_11=85653.85&p_11=0&wh_12=36438.74&p_12=0&wh_13=42235.43&p_13=1&wh_14=134104.41&p_14=114&wh_15=138359.79&p_15=8&wh_16=128390.08&p_16=2&wh_17=67164.58&p_17=0&wh_18=156724.70&p_18=8&wh_19=43067.42&p_19=3&wh_20=27711.98&p_20=3&wh_21=41503.41&p_21=192&wh_22=103937.92&p_22=0&wh_23=149379.56&p_23=2&wh_24=125592.45&p_24=166&wh_25=50748.13&p_25=85&wh_26=20449.79&p_26=1&wh_27=20676.12&p_27=4&wh_28=11427.20&p_28=0&wh_29=33011.10&p_29=0&wh_30=94501.75&p_30=0&wh_31=97257.79&p_31=114&wh_32=18965.52&p_32=0&v=123.8","payloadType":"str","x":250,"y":120,"wires":[["8df98d0763a8cc3e"]]},{"id":"8df98d0763a8cc3e","type":"split","z":"05a89d30924df06f","name":"Split using &","splt":"&","spltType":"str","arraySplt":1,"arraySpltType":"len","stream":false,"addname":"","property":"payload","x":430,"y":120,"wires":[["064f28617445342b"]]},{"id":"064f28617445342b","type":"switch","z":"05a89d30924df06f","name":"dose it contain p=24","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"cont","v":"p_24","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":660,"y":120,"wires":[["b4505c2a3f08a110"]]},{"id":"b4505c2a3f08a110","type":"debug","z":"05a89d30924df06f","name":"debug 3526","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":890,"y":120,"wires":[]}]

Thank You, It works. I have tried that same option and it did not work for me. Maybe because I was splitting the string in the tcp in node? I dont know, but this works, Thank You!
edit: I think I was using a capital P instead of a small p in the switch node.

If you could help me with one more step? All I need is the value so to change the P_24= (value) to a json {"value":()}So my automation system (Homeseer) can read the value.
Thanks again.

So add another split node and split it at the = then use a change node to build what you want it to look like

Great, but how to change a changing variable, The P_24 stays the same but the value always changes. So in the change node I Search for ? as it always changes value.

This is all new to me, as that is probably obvious.

In a change node
select change
search for P_24=
replace with blank value

If this is all new to you, you may benefit from watching the essentials videos.

Thanks, This will remove the p_24 and change to "", but I need the value and how do you search for a changing string item (value of p_24)

you use

Then you remove the p_24= as shown using a change node.

You then have the changing value in th msg.payload message property.

Thank You for your help.