How to filter which measurement the gauge reads?

I'm new to Node-Red. The project I'm working on is a thermostat circuit using arduino. Currently, I have two gauges, one reads temperature, the other reads humidity. But they both read the same result. How can I filter it so the temp gauge reads the temperature result, and humidity reads humidity? Also I will share the code I have, and a screenshot of the circuit.

#include <DHT11.h>

int in3 = 7;
int in4 = 8;
int enb = 9;

int threshold_temp = 25;

int chk;
float temperature;  //Stores humidity value
float humidity; //Stores temperature value

DHT11 dht11(2);

void setup() {
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enb, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

String temperature;
String humidity;

void loop() {
int temperature = 0;
int humidity = 0;

//Attempt to read the temperature and humidity values from the DHT11 sensor.
int result = dht11.readTemperatureHumidity(temperature, humidity);

//If reading is successful, print the temperature and humidity values.
//If there are errors, print the appropriate error messages
if (result == 0){
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");
  Serial.print(temperature );
  Serial.print("\tHumidity: ");
  //Print error messages based on error code
if (temperature > threshold_temp) {
  analogWrite(enb, 255);
  digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

Add a debug node set to Output Complete Message to the serial node output and show us what it says.

if this is dashboard 1, then you can set {{payload[0]}} .
Or else you can split the array with a split node, then use a switch node to route the payloads using the property == 0.

Or change the code to send a JSON string which would make it easy in node red.

how would I do that? I have the arduinoJSON library included, but no idea how to use it. and the examples don't help me at all

where would I set that at? which node?

So after looking some more, here is what my circuit looks like now. I mainly get errors of JSON having invalid tokens, but the readings it does get is the temp and humidity. I don't know what I need to configure in the switch node to get the gauges to only read their respective result.

Please define that, as i gave 2 options. Are we talking about Dashboard 1 node-red-dashboard or dashboard 2 @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard

I'm using node-red-dashboard. You said set {{payload[0]}}. Which node do I do that in?

In the value format field of the gauge node

so what does == 0 mean/do exactly? I just want to better understand what and why I'm typing it in. Same with {{payload[0]}} is part of another method as {{msg.payload[0]}} does not work in dashboard 2.

example of split method


How to import/export a flow

so just putting that in as is does not work. what do I need to edit? change 0 to temperature/humidity?

Again more context and maybe an example of what you put , export a small example flow and paste in reply, so we can see exactly what you have done

example of both methods working


current circuit:

Debug output:


Temperature Gauge:

you have not enter {{msg.payload[0]}} in the value format field.

images are of no use please reread previous replies and follow requests.

Having looked again at your debug info the incoming payload is a buffer you will need to convert it. before you continue. The JSON node is not the right node, have alook at the buffer parser

when i put{{msg.payload[0]}} in the format field, it did not do anything different.

I feel another thing that would help is that before, in my code I had it so the serial monitor would display:

temperature: X
humidity: X

but node-red did not like the letters. so I have it now that it only prints the numbers.

If this is handlebars, it should be {{msg.payload.0}}