How to internationalize the header of editableList

I am using the editableList plugin to create an editable list and I want to internationalize the "Name" field. However, I have tried several methods but none of them seem to work.

Current Code

    header: $("<div>").append($.parseHTML("<div style='width:40%; display: inline-grid'>Name</div>")),

Attempt 1

I first tried adding a data-i18n attribute for internationalization:

    header: $("<div>").append($.parseHTML("<div style='width:40%; display: inline-grid' data-i18n='xxxxxx' ">Name</div>")),

Attempt 2

I also tried using a template literal with a translation function:

    header: $("<div>").append($.parseHTML(`<div style='width:40%; display: inline-grid">${RED._("xxxxxx")}</div>`)),

Both attempts did not work as expected. Can someone help me understand what I might be doing wrong or suggest a better approach to achieve this?

Hi and Welcome,

Try with:

    header: $("<div>").append($.parseHTML("<div style='width:40%; display: inline-grid'><span data-i18n=''></span></div>")),
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Thank you for your reply!

This method only works for the official translations of messages.json. However, when I created a custom node with a JSON file named transformation.json, the translation did not work as expected.

Here is the content of transformation.json:

    "transformation": {
        "label": {
            "default": "transform",
            "name": "Name"

And here is the JavaScript code that I used:

    header: $("<div>").append($.parseHTML("<div style='width:40%; display: inline-grid'><span data-i18n=''></span></div>")),

Unfortunately, the translation did not work.

Could you please provide some guidance on how to properly set up and use custom translations for my custom node?

You are missing the nodes name at the front

It works. Thank you so much.

This approach differs from using HTML directly.

When using HTML:

<div data-i18n=""></div>

This works as expected. However, when inserting the element via jQuery, it should be:

<div data-i18n="my-node-module/"></div>

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