So I just have a form where I fill my data, then I have the function node which holds the query for the mysql.
I can already insert data to mysql data if I define the function as such:
msg.topic="INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City)VALUES('test_name','test_surname','10','test_city')";
return msg;
However, what I actually need, is take the variables from the form and insert them into the querry as such:
msg.topic="INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City)VALUES(variable1,variable2,variable3,variable4)";
return msg;
Im just not too sure how do I pass the form variables into the querry?
Note that you have to set the debug node output to show the complete msg object in order to see your query in msg.topic.
You can read/set the variables like:
m = msg.payload
name = m.Name
surname = m.Surname
age = m.Age
city = m.City
msg.topic=`INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City) VALUES ('${name}','${surname}',${age},'${city}')`;
return msg;
Thanks - im making some progress. Now my function recognise the payload input with your suggested code, however the mysql does not like the format that I am providing:
"Error: ER_PARSE_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '{age},'${city}')' at line 1"
The function that I use :
name = m.Name;
surname = m.Surname;
age = m.Age;
city = m.City;
msg.topic="INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City)VALUES('${name}','${surname}',${age},'${city}')";
return msg;
Would you be able to tell me whats the exact purpose of $ sign in front of every variable and why use {} brackets?
Would it not be the same if I use:
msg.topic="INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City)VALUES('$name','$surname',$age,'$city')";
I usually use a template node to format my MySQL queries. Make sure the property is set to... msg.topic
I find it easier to understand and not get tripped-up with all the quotation marks.
If your data is all in the msg.payload
e.g. msg.payload.Name, msg.payload.Surname etc..
Then you could alter my template node to.. INSERT INTO users (Name,Surname,Age,City) VALUES { '{{}}', '{{payload.Surname}}', {{payload.age}}, '{{}}' );
Put a debug node (set to display the 'Complete mag object') on the output of your 'template' node. Do the same for the function Run a test and then in the debug sidebar, open all the triangles for the debugs and copy the results and past them in a reply
{"payload":{"Item":"item_test_function","Serial":12345},"socketid":"fo8kJFtN6HuwBUOHAAAE","_msgid":"33b945ef.2d52ba","topic":"INSERT INTO pack_to_light (Device,Item,Serial)VALUES('device1','${item}',${serial})"}
when using the template node:
{"payload":{"Item":"item_test_template","Serial":12345},"socketid":"fo8kJFtN6HuwBUOHAAAE","_msgid":"20d8bcb0.82c844","topic":"INSERT INTO pack_to_light (Device,Item,Serial) VALUES ('Device1', 'item_test_template',12345 );"}
Note that I have changed my database and function slightly:
function node
item = m.Item
serial = m.Serial
msg.topic="INSERT INTO pack_to_light (Device,Item,Serial)VALUES('device1','${item}',${serial})";
return msg;