How to realize encrypt rsa and decryped hex?

The information from the nitifire: The Challenge-String is a random generated secret string that is encrypted via RSA using the pre-installed Public Key and then hex-encoded for transmission. To Solve the Challenge, the Client has to strip the hex-encoding, then decrypt the Challenge-String with the Corresponding Private Key, and send the decoded string back to the Server (without any further encoding). If the decrypted String matches the original secret string, a short-lived access token will be provided.

How to do this? The signe is doing and i become the challenge string but i have no solution for solve the challenge...

Can you add some more context here.

I assume this is part of a HTTP request response to/from a nitifire service? But as it is there is not enough information to give a proper answer.


The first step /api/sa_login/challenge/newis doing and i become the Success 200 bit the next steps solve und permission is not doing. I dont understand to realize this with the rsa and hex decoding.

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