How to revert Node from 20 to 18

NR 3.1.0
Node 20.8.1
Raspberry Pi 3B, running Bullseye (just performed full update)
Just updated as above and now node-red-contrib-telegrambot is no longer working (See GIT issue 343. I have tried to back the that node to 15.1.6 and also reinstall that node etc but no effect.
Next I want revert NODE from version 20.8.1 back to version 18.x.x but unsure how to do that as Node-red and nodes seem to be 'configured' to Node.
Can I just run the raspi install script with the tag --node18 (Noting when I upgraded --node20 failed! so I manually updated)

Yes - that should do it. You will also need to go into your ~/.node-red user dir and run npm rebuild afterwards so ensure any binaries are rebuilt against node18.

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Thanks @dceejay i wondered how that would be sorted.


You should also raise an issue against that node because Node.js v20 moves to LTS this month if it hasn't already.

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Doesn't the script do that automatically if it installs nodejs?

It did, within 24 hours of raising an issue on the Telegrambot node.


I can confirm that changing Node back to node18 fixed the problem which appears to be a node20 compatibility problem in node-red-contrib-telegrambot

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