How to tweak the sensitivity/delay of gauges

Hi there,

being a total newbie to node-red I wanted to test-drive hotNipis awesome gauges.
Thereby I discovered that even the standard dashboard gauges are super unresponsive to large input changes via the slider.
How can one make them fast acting like real VU meters e.g.?

no fancy analog needle simulation needed (at first) just some useful real time response like here:

Thanks in advance

P.S. my goal would be to simulate a double scale, single needle caisson gauge like this here:

Are you sure it is not the slider output that is unresponsive? Add a debug node to find out.

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it has nothing to do with the slider. you can hand it a value of 100 and watch yourself how slowly it's adjusting to the value. so one clearly has to tweak something in the source of the dashboard gauge.
and i have zero clue about node-red, let alone it's package management yet.
so every hint is highly welcome and appreciated!

It takes about 1 second to get from end to end on my system. Is that what you class as slow?

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yeah 1 sec is useless, thanks for having quantified it Colin. any idea where to tweak the code to make it work in an instant?

It will be under .node-red/node_modules/node-red-dashboard somewhere. Someone who knows the code may chip in.

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couldn't find a thing pointing to that in the code :frowning:

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Are you talking about those? First september give-away (let's create one gauge)

first of all let me thank you E1cid for having pointed me to the correct file.
but now i see that node-red becomes messy, that i had to dig all of a sudden into all these layers(angularjs' Dependency Injection Containers) and node-reds package management just for having one single attribute changed. (waveRiseTime) :frowning:

oh the master himself. let me thank you for this splendid contribution first of all!!! yes i was talking about your awesome gauges hotNipi. they are the main reason for me to look into node-red. i hope that i'll be able to recreate the gauge with time. although i would prefer hiring you for some hours if that was possible as the gauge would require 3 differently sized ticks and so on. and i am quite certain that one would want to look at the result if you did it compared to some total noob.

Well, it is about midnight for today, near to Christmas for next week and near to big celebration of year to change in near future, I just moved to new house (not all stuff brought over jet), my dear Mrs called her sister with kids and cats to be our guests for next two weeks and new sauna stove promised to be delivered tomorrow morning.
So I have plenty of time :smiley:

But for responsiveness of the gauge ..
find form the styles .g-needle
the speed of the animation is declared by transition: transform .1s; means 1 second. Feel free to change it as you need.
If you are targeting it to behave as VU meter, it will be complicated cos in real life those react differently on rising and falling incoming values. Can't be done with CSS (at least I don't know how)

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thanks a lot for having pointed me to transition: transform line. i've changed it to a 20th of a second. it works beautifully!
and no i am not trying to make it behave as a VU meter. i am just targeting this caisson gauge.

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Just do experiments and ask specific questions if something does not go in the way you need it to go. I have limited computer time but there is for sure smarter guys than me so you'll get help anyway.


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