HTTP error:status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

can anyone explain why we are getting these warnings on console and how we can get rid of these.

Welcome to the forum @SangamBgk

Can you tell us about the environment node red is running in please. I don't recognise the layout of the screen shot.

Hi Colin,
It's Constomized Nodered running kubernetes.


You can ignore the source map errors, those are optional files which may be provided to aid in debugging. I see you are using a python node, I know there have been issues with those mentioned here previously. When I have wanted to call python code I have done it using a standard exec node, so since no-one else has suggested anything that might be the best option to try.

Thanks Colin

The 'Blocked attempt to load' errors are because the python node you have installed is trying to load its own copy of the ACE text editor - which would clash and break the version built into Node-RED.

The fact the node still hasn't been updated to fix that isn't a good sign. We added the code to block loading ACE a long time ago.

At this point I can't remember if the node still worked with the block in place (because it would end up using the ACE built-in rather than its own copy).

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