If I try the url in a browser everything works (redirected to the url + a code in the url), but in node-red it gives me an httpcode 302 + the hardcoded url as the responseurl ??
I have tried to change this.followAllRedirects = false to this.followAllRedirects = true in redirect.js in the request module, but that did not work.
yes, I installed the mentioned node earlier, but I could not figure it out, so I proceeded the "low-leveled way" instead with the http request node. But if this node can't process redirect, then im back to the Oauth2 node again.
a simple flow this this solution would then be the following:
tried importing the oauth2 flow examples, - and the first example is nearly identical to what i have been building ( trigger node and then a request node calling an https endpoint with client id and a redirect url ). The example use an http url (not https)....
been googling further, and it seems im not the only one with problem regarding POST HTTPS request not redirecting :
seems I am stuck again, - will follow the github issue and see if something later on turns up