HTTP transfer encoding chunked

Hi there,

For reasons that go beyond the scope of this forum, I need to send large (> 20MB) files over Node-RED http-in node. So I created a simple flow:

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 11.07.39

The problem with this flow is that the read file node will create a single message with with all the file data. So a 20MB mp3 might just work but 180MB mp4 files won't - basically Node-RED freezes for a while and since this can cause users to be impatient, more requests are created as users access other content.

I began to wonder whether HTTP has a streaming functionality. I discovered yes, the chunked feature of HTTP/1.1 provides streaming support. I also found a forum question about using the chunked response with http response node - that got no traction.

So I began to think about how to implement this. Turns out read file has a "many small messages as chunks of data" option:

Chunking of file data was solved, now how to set the http header. Well that can be done in the http response node:

So the flow became this:

[{"id":"9447e2ddf16c5275","type":"http in","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"","url":"/content2/:path","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":549,"y":1123.5,"wires":[["254bfb6d6552d420"]]},{"id":"254bfb6d6552d420","type":"function","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"set filename","func":"msg.filename = \"/data/content/\" + msg.req.params.path;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"timeout":"","noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":754,"y":1123.5,"wires":[["3fc061c241951ddf"]]},{"id":"3fc061c241951ddf","type":"file in","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"","filename":"filename","filenameType":"msg","format":"stream","chunk":false,"sendError":false,"encoding":"none","allProps":true,"x":929,"y":1123.5,"wires":[["90d68e8d16222d2e"]]},{"id":"90d68e8d16222d2e","type":"http response","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"","statusCode":"","headers":{"Transfer-Encoding":"chunked"},"x":1084,"y":1123.5,"wires":[]}]

(same image as above)

Turns out this does not work since the http response node closes the connection after sending the first chunk. Hm, damn I thought and did some soul searching.

Stackoverflow told me that it is down to using msg.res._res.send(...) instead of msg.res._res.write(...) to send data. It happens that express (the underlying HTTP framework) supports chunking simply by using write instead of send - in fact, it will automagically set the Transfer-Encoding header if write is used.

So I created my own function node to implement this behaviour:

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 11.37.50

[{"id":"9447e2ddf16c5275","type":"http in","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"","url":"/content2/:path","method":"get","upload":false,"swaggerDoc":"","x":549,"y":1123.25,"wires":[["254bfb6d6552d420"]]},{"id":"254bfb6d6552d420","type":"function","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"set filename","func":"msg.filename = \"/data/content/\" + msg.req.params.path;\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"timeout":"","noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":759.6666666666666,"y":1123.25,"wires":[["3fc061c241951ddf"]]},{"id":"3fc061c241951ddf","type":"file in","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"","filename":"filename","filenameType":"msg","format":"stream","chunk":false,"sendError":false,"encoding":"none","allProps":true,"x":940.3333333333333,"y":1123.25,"wires":[["162e98f2fba777a7"]]},{"id":"162e98f2fba777a7","type":"function","z":"543929cb2e9c4087","name":"send chunk","func":"msg.res._res.write(msg.payload)\n\n// the last buffer contains an count value in the parts hash.\n// if the count is set, then send an end response to the client.\nif ( \"count\" in ) {\n    msg.res._res.end()\n}\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"timeout":"","noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":1121,"y":1123.25,"wires":[[]]}]

And that worked! So now my data is chunked and all clients are far more responsive (with content that is streaming compliant - i.e. mp3 and mp4 for example). This makes no difference if the client must receive all data before handling that data.

One thing that surprised me was the simplicity of the send chunk function node:


if ( "count" in ) {

That's it. But this makes a big assumption: that messages are received in order - the http chunk transfer assumes correct order - there is no way to give a chunk an index in the HTTP/1.1 specs. The chunks are glued together as they are received.

This might well be an issue under load. So if the wire between read file and send chunk isn't sequential, then chunks are sent out of order and the data is corrupted on the client side.

This could be avoid by having something that checks the parts and ensures that messages are passed on in order, something like a order guarantee node - that would buffer only those messages that arrive out of order. The node would maintain the current parts number, i.e., last part sent was X therefore the next part to be sent will be X+1, all other messages are buffered until X+1 arrives - is there something like that?

PRs for the http-response node will be gratefully accepted

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Before that happens, we should have conversation around how to implement chunked transfer in the http response node:

  1. automagically - meaning that the response node recognises the parts attribute of the msg object automatically and changes its behaviour accordingly. This would have no visible UI change and could break existing implementations.

  2. Extra UI checkbox - would make the user aware of new functionality which can be switched on at will. Would require updating existing implementations if desired, backward compatibility is assured.

  3. Setting header in UI - this would require setting the transfer encoding header (would become a part of the dropdown list) and would also require users to understand what this header does (a checkbox can have explanatory text).

Those are the three possibilities that come to mind - there are guaranteed more.

Off the top of my head, 3 seems like a no-brainer at least as a first implementation. It has no impact on existing code and requires no visible changes to either node. It would also mean that anyone just trying that method would get the expected result.

Then, once tested and deployed, the other options could be considered as later enhancements if people thought them worth while.

I will vote for making it explicit with a check box to enable it, and it then expects to receive messages in the split/join format.

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The problem with this is that setting a header value causes a side-effect that isn't expected. I.e. the behaviour of the http response node changes just because a header value was set. If I set the content-type header, then that's all the happens: the content type header is set but the behaviour of the node isn't affected.

This becomes even more problematic if I use the msg.headers option - setting the msg.headers['transfer-encoding'] then changes the behaviour of the http response node fundamentally.

This would probably be the cleanest solution without breaking backward compatibility but would require a checkbox on a very simply and clean UI.