IC2 library for TCA9548A


What is the best library to use if I am going to read sensors from the TCA9548A. I have to look at 8 sensors at once all with the same address.

I found found this on google - might be worth taking a look.

I am looking for an example workflow for this. any idea where to find one.

I have tried to install this package and it does not show up after the install. It is in the node_modules folder in the root of the Raspberry PI. Any suggestions?

This is not a Node-Red "node", so will not show up in the pallet.

It is possible to load external libraries like this, to use in a function node for example, but I have no knowledge of this particular project.

You might reach out to the author for some help ?

There have been a few questions lately about "unsupported" kit, so probably best to check what you want to do will work before investing in any kit.

What are the actual sensors that you want to use BTW ?

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